
Monday, October 1, 2012


I have been betrayed by MANY close friends and family and I was so hurt. But in the midst of this, I stayed FOCUSED on my LOVE RELATIONSHIP with God & I begin 2 look at them & my ENEMIES different... No longer I was able to DEFEND 
myself ...I HAD 2 ALLOW GOD 2 FIGHT MY BATTLES FB!!... As a result...((God always WIN))....He placed PROTECTION & FAVOR N MY LIFE....

YOUR ENEMIES & SO called FRIENDS who betrayed U will begin 2 see the manifestation of God's FAVOR on your life FB.....

.....think of the scripture in Psalm 23---He prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

I hope this lifts your spirit, Stay encouraged... "This too shall pass away."

1 comment:

  1. Amazing post....very inspirational...i feel encouraged

    Please check out my new blog may be we could follow each other:-)

