Welcome to those seeking TRUTH! You are 10 steps ahead of the game and further along in your search for the truth behind the mayhem of televisions " VISUAL EFFECTS" Here you will be exposed to the signs & symbols...
Thursday, October 30, 2014
One of the most evil and Godless movies ever made is the 2008 movie, THE HAPPENING. The film was written, co-produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan that follows a man, his wife, and his best friend along with his friend's daughter, as they try to escape from something inexplicable which is causing mass suicides on the entire east coast of America.
The plot revolves around a mysterious neurotoxin being released by plants, that causes any person coming into contact with it to commit suicide. The movie is sickening! One scene shows a police officer shooting himself with his revolver, and then a citizen in the car next to him picks up the gun and blows his own brains out.
At the beginning of the movie, dozens of construction workers are shown leaping from tall skyscrapers to their gruesome death. Entire families are shown dead. Bodies are laying everywhere as the main characters in the film are driving in an attempt to escape whatever is causing the killings. Gunshots are heard over the phone as loved ones suddenly break off from conversation and commit suicide, and then the film shows the family member freaking out and being emotionally devastated.
One man lays down in front of his large gas-powered lawn mower and you can see and hear him being butchered alive in the machine as it drives over him. It's one suicide and freakish episode after another... suicide, suicide, suicide. THE HAPPENING is just another of Hollywood's agendacized films, trying to plant seeds of suicide and bodily harm into viewer's minds. It might be 10-years down the road when everything goes south in your life, or on a bad night when you've had too much booze to drink (which you shouldn't drink at all), and Satan will use that movie to influence your subconscious brain to commit suicide.
Many studies have shown that music and movies which glorify suicide and killing insert seed thoughts into people's minds. Whereas most people can process such thoughts, many minds are vulnerable, especially children and teenagers whose minds are not fully developed yet. One teenage boy commit suicide while listening to Ozzy Osbourne's song, you guessed it... SUICIDE! The young man still had the earphones on his head and the song playing when he was rolled into the coroner's office.
One of the most evil and Godless movies ever made is the 2008 movie, THE HAPPENING. The film was written, co-produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan that follows a man, his wife, and his best friend along with his friend's daughter, as they try to escape from something inexplicable which is causing mass suicides on the entire east coast of America.
The plot revolves around a mysterious neurotoxin being released by plants, that causes any person coming into contact with it to commit suicide. The movie is sickening! One scene shows a police officer shooting himself with his revolver, and then a citizen in the car next to him picks up the gun and blows his own brains out.
At the beginning of the movie, dozens of construction workers are shown leaping from tall skyscrapers to their gruesome death. Entire families are shown dead. Bodies are laying everywhere as the main characters in the film are driving in an attempt to escape whatever is causing the killings. Gunshots are heard over the phone as loved ones suddenly break off from conversation and commit suicide, and then the film shows the family member freaking out and being emotionally devastated.
One man lays down in front of his large gas-powered lawn mower and you can see and hear him being butchered alive in the machine as it drives over him. It's one suicide and freakish episode after another... suicide, suicide, suicide. THE HAPPENING is just another of Hollywood's agendacized films, trying to plant seeds of suicide and bodily harm into viewer's minds. It might be 10-years down the road when everything goes south in your life, or on a bad night when you've had too much booze to drink (which you shouldn't drink at all), and Satan will use that movie to influence your subconscious brain to commit suicide.
Many studies have shown that music and movies which glorify suicide and killing insert seed thoughts into people's minds. Whereas most people can process such thoughts, many minds are vulnerable, especially children and teenagers whose minds are not fully developed yet. One teenage boy commit suicide while listening to Ozzy Osbourne's song, you guessed it... SUICIDE! The young man still had the earphones on his head and the song playing when he was rolled into the coroner's office.[1]
Satan loves movies like THE HAPPENING, FROZEN, SAW, FRIDAY 13th, and HALLOWEEN (featuring the psychotic killer Jason); movies which show families being butchered, or gory scenes of blood and guts ripped apart, being eaten alive by dogs, torturing people with mechanic devices, ripping the flesh from their bodies, plunging spikes into their eye-sockets, watching people be dissolved in acid baths, seeing people saw their own limbs off, and the most horrifying things you can imagine. Most people can't imagine such evils, which is where these movies come into play, educating the viewer as to what depths of darkness are possible. The result is a society that is capable of the unthinkable. Read the news lately?](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s526x395/1486594_10152307256122127_3209518562112602591_n.jpg?oh=7fce8e2b955070ec4fee9665a4263b8b&oe=54E04F1C&__gda__=1424099801_7d8492d9354c1dbadfbc4690f45b61a7)
Satan loves movies like THE HAPPENING, FROZEN, SAW, FRIDAY 13th, and HALLOWEEN (featuring the psychotic killer Jason); movies which show families being butchered, or gory scenes of blood and guts ripped apart, being eaten alive by dogs, torturing people with mechanic devices, ripping the flesh from their bodies, plunging spikes into their eye-sockets, watching people be dissolved in acid baths, seeing people saw their own limbs off, and the most horrifying things you can imagine. Most people can't imagine such evils, which is where these movies come into play, educating the viewer as to what depths of darkness are possible. The result is a society that is capable of the unthinkable. Read the news lately?
The plot revolves around a mysterious neurotoxin being released by plants, that causes any person coming into contact with it to commit suicide. The movie is sickening! One scene shows a police officer shooting himself with his revolver, and then a citizen in the car next to him picks up the gun and blows his own brains out.
At the beginning of the movie, dozens of construction workers are shown leaping from tall skyscrapers to their gruesome death. Entire families are shown dead. Bodies are laying everywhere as the main characters in the film are driving in an attempt to escape whatever is causing the killings. Gunshots are heard over the phone as loved ones suddenly break off from conversation and commit suicide, and then the film shows the family member freaking out and being emotionally devastated.
One man lays down in front of his large gas-powered lawn mower and you can see and hear him being butchered alive in the machine as it drives over him. It's one suicide and freakish episode after another... suicide, suicide, suicide. THE HAPPENING is just another of Hollywood's agendacized films, trying to plant seeds of suicide and bodily harm into viewer's minds. It might be 10-years down the road when everything goes south in your life, or on a bad night when you've had too much booze to drink (which you shouldn't drink at all), and Satan will use that movie to influence your subconscious brain to commit suicide.
Many studies have shown that music and movies which glorify suicide and killing insert seed thoughts into people's minds. Whereas most people can process such thoughts, many minds are vulnerable, especially children and teenagers whose minds are not fully developed yet. One teenage boy commit suicide while listening to Ozzy Osbourne's song, you guessed it... SUICIDE! The young man still had the earphones on his head and the song playing when he was rolled into the coroner's office.
One of the most evil and Godless movies ever made is the 2008 movie, THE HAPPENING. The film was written, co-produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan that follows a man, his wife, and his best friend along with his friend's daughter, as they try to escape from something inexplicable which is causing mass suicides on the entire east coast of America.
The plot revolves around a mysterious neurotoxin being released by plants, that causes any person coming into contact with it to commit suicide. The movie is sickening! One scene shows a police officer shooting himself with his revolver, and then a citizen in the car next to him picks up the gun and blows his own brains out.
At the beginning of the movie, dozens of construction workers are shown leaping from tall skyscrapers to their gruesome death. Entire families are shown dead. Bodies are laying everywhere as the main characters in the film are driving in an attempt to escape whatever is causing the killings. Gunshots are heard over the phone as loved ones suddenly break off from conversation and commit suicide, and then the film shows the family member freaking out and being emotionally devastated.
One man lays down in front of his large gas-powered lawn mower and you can see and hear him being butchered alive in the machine as it drives over him. It's one suicide and freakish episode after another... suicide, suicide, suicide. THE HAPPENING is just another of Hollywood's agendacized films, trying to plant seeds of suicide and bodily harm into viewer's minds. It might be 10-years down the road when everything goes south in your life, or on a bad night when you've had too much booze to drink (which you shouldn't drink at all), and Satan will use that movie to influence your subconscious brain to commit suicide.
Many studies have shown that music and movies which glorify suicide and killing insert seed thoughts into people's minds. Whereas most people can process such thoughts, many minds are vulnerable, especially children and teenagers whose minds are not fully developed yet. One teenage boy commit suicide while listening to Ozzy Osbourne's song, you guessed it... SUICIDE! The young man still had the earphones on his head and the song playing when he was rolled into the coroner's office.[1]
Satan loves movies like THE HAPPENING, FROZEN, SAW, FRIDAY 13th, and HALLOWEEN (featuring the psychotic killer Jason); movies which show families being butchered, or gory scenes of blood and guts ripped apart, being eaten alive by dogs, torturing people with mechanic devices, ripping the flesh from their bodies, plunging spikes into their eye-sockets, watching people be dissolved in acid baths, seeing people saw their own limbs off, and the most horrifying things you can imagine. Most people can't imagine such evils, which is where these movies come into play, educating the viewer as to what depths of darkness are possible. The result is a society that is capable of the unthinkable. Read the news lately?](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s526x395/1486594_10152307256122127_3209518562112602591_n.jpg?oh=7fce8e2b955070ec4fee9665a4263b8b&oe=54E04F1C&__gda__=1424099801_7d8492d9354c1dbadfbc4690f45b61a7)
Satan loves movies like THE HAPPENING, FROZEN, SAW, FRIDAY 13th, and HALLOWEEN (featuring the psychotic killer Jason); movies which show families being butchered, or gory scenes of blood and guts ripped apart, being eaten alive by dogs, torturing people with mechanic devices, ripping the flesh from their bodies, plunging spikes into their eye-sockets, watching people be dissolved in acid baths, seeing people saw their own limbs off, and the most horrifying things you can imagine. Most people can't imagine such evils, which is where these movies come into play, educating the viewer as to what depths of darkness are possible. The result is a society that is capable of the unthinkable. Read the news lately?
To no surprise, Stephen King liked the creepy film, giving it praise. Stephen King is an evil man, who demonizes Bible-believing Christians in His sadistic movie, THE MIST; portraying them as Satan-worshipping, cultic freaks, psychotic killers, and hate-mongers. It is no mere coincidence that Stephen King's, THE MIST, continually refers to THE BEAST. The Mist film is of the Devil.
In THE MIST, a crazed religious women provokes the crowd to stab a young military man... to death. She then tells the crowd to sacrifice the mortally bleeding man to THE BEAST (a giant horned creature lurking outside the door). As the crowd is carrying the man out the front door (to sacrifice him to THE BEAST), the man is making an occult sign in both hands. In his right hand he is making the 666 sign, and a NWO hand sign in his left hand. This plainly evidences that Stephen King's movie is a sacrifice to Satan, on screen for the public to view. This is how subtle Luciferians are today. They are bringing Satanic sacrifices right to the movie theatre, and into people's homes.

In THE MIST, a crazed religious women provokes the crowd to stab a young military man... to death. She then tells the crowd to sacrifice the mortally bleeding man to THE BEAST (a giant horned creature lurking outside the door). As the crowd is carrying the man out the front door (to sacrifice him to THE BEAST), the man is making an occult sign in both hands. In his right hand he is making the 666 sign, and a NWO hand sign in his left hand. This plainly evidences that Stephen King's movie is a sacrifice to Satan, on screen for the public to view. This is how subtle Luciferians are today. They are bringing Satanic sacrifices right to the movie theatre, and into people's homes.

What is really terrible is that the religious woman is carrying and quoting from a Bible at the beginning of the film, wearing a dress, and appears to be a God-fearing Christian; but then Stephen King trashes her character as the movie progresses, until she is a devil-worshipping psycho, who practices ritual human sacrifice, and is consumed with hatred. No doubt this is what Mr. King thinks about born-again Christians who preach the Bible and love God. Other religious people are portrayed as normal who don't preach what they believe to anyone. Stephen King obviously has much resentment for Bible-believing Christians who preach the truth to others.
The world doesn't care what you believe oh Christian, just so long as you hide your candle for God under a bushel and stay in your closet; but all the hordes of Hell will attack the faithful Christian who holds forth the Word of life as the Bible commands (Philippians 2:16).
Everything that Hollywood writes and produces today is saturated with violence, killing, death, murder, torture, and gore. Hollywood is a cesspool of spiritual rot, infested with maggots! We have become a culture of death. Should it be surprising in view of such movies over the past few decades, that the most dangerous place on earth is in a mother's womb!!! You cannot tell me that the plethora of blood and guts movies (which America has grown up on for the past few decades) has not had a detrimental effect on our thinking as a society. People today have no qualms or hesitation about having an abortion, and President Obama has just stated in his State of the Union speech in 2011, that he wants to make abortion much more commonplace as a right.
The world doesn't care what you believe oh Christian, just so long as you hide your candle for God under a bushel and stay in your closet; but all the hordes of Hell will attack the faithful Christian who holds forth the Word of life as the Bible commands (Philippians 2:16).
Everything that Hollywood writes and produces today is saturated with violence, killing, death, murder, torture, and gore. Hollywood is a cesspool of spiritual rot, infested with maggots! We have become a culture of death. Should it be surprising in view of such movies over the past few decades, that the most dangerous place on earth is in a mother's womb!!! You cannot tell me that the plethora of blood and guts movies (which America has grown up on for the past few decades) has not had a detrimental effect on our thinking as a society. People today have no qualms or hesitation about having an abortion, and President Obama has just stated in his State of the Union speech in 2011, that he wants to make abortion much more commonplace as a right.
Hollywood is sicko, spiritually wicked, and of the Devil. Time Warner (New Line Features; a film by Michael Tolkin) produced a movie called THE RAPTURE, starring Mimi Rogers and David Duchovny (Molder from the X-files), which is pornographic in content, featuring a delusional Christian mother who blows her daughter's brains out with a pistol so she can go to be with the Lord in Heaven. The movie is advertised by the very title as a religious film, luring unsu...specting buyers by the seemingly innocent title of THE RAPTURE. Such naive consumers will find themselves watching nude sex orgies for the first half of the movie, and a deranged Christian mother murder her daughter in the second half of the movie so she can be with Jesus. This is what the world thinks about Bible-believing Christians.

To no surprise, Roger Ebert gives the sicko movie his highest rating of 4-stars. The movie is intended to portray Christians who believe in the Rapture as potentially delusional suicidal lunatics. The film is straight out of the pits of Hell, a trashy mockery of Biblical Christianity, mixing pornography with a warped Gospel message in the name of Hollywood entertainment. TimeWarner and New Line Cinema clearly have no decency nor shame, but they ought to be greatly ashamed of producing Satanic filth like THE RAPTURE.
The movie has nothing to do with the Biblical doctrine of the Rapture; but rather is a graphic satire and mockery of Christianity. Mimi Rogers attempts to justify the trashy film by claiming it is mere art, an expression of one person's thoughts. The truth of the matter is that the movie blaspheme God, mocks Bible-believing Christians as being nutcases, and distorts between fiction verses reality.
They call this trash art? In the film, Mimi Rogers portrays a woman who goes from participating in swinging sex orgies, to finding religion, to putting a bullet in her daughter's head so she can go to be with Jesus in Heaven. And they call this garbage art? They would, what do you expect from HollyWEIRD? The people who made this movie are sick-minded freaks, God-haters, and seriously warped people in need of salvation.
The movie has nothing to do with the Biblical doctrine of the Rapture; but rather is a graphic satire and mockery of Christianity. Mimi Rogers attempts to justify the trashy film by claiming it is mere art, an expression of one person's thoughts. The truth of the matter is that the movie blaspheme God, mocks Bible-believing Christians as being nutcases, and distorts between fiction verses reality.
They call this trash art? In the film, Mimi Rogers portrays a woman who goes from participating in swinging sex orgies, to finding religion, to putting a bullet in her daughter's head so she can go to be with Jesus in Heaven. And they call this garbage art? They would, what do you expect from HollyWEIRD? The people who made this movie are sick-minded freaks, God-haters, and seriously warped people in need of salvation.
The Movie (( HereAfter ))....The TRUTH!!!
HEREAFTER stars Matt Damon, who plays a gifted demonic psychic.

The movie blasphemes Christianity. There are two boys whose mother is a drunk. The boy's names are Jason and Marcus. Jason gets hit and killed by a speeding truck at the beginning of the film. His brother, who is only minutes younger by birth, sets out on a quest to contact his dead brother. Marcus is taken away from his mother by Child Protection Services and is placed with a foster family.
Marcus ste...als 200 pounds of money from his new foster parents and uses the money to consult with several soothsayers, psychics, occultists, necromancers, et cetera. Marcus searches the internet for answers and finds a website where a preacher asks if the viewer is afraid of death. The preacher then says, “If you have Christ, you have nothing to worry about.” Marcus responds by wagging his head in strong disapproval of the comment that Christ is the answer. This is a clear denial of Biblical Christianity in this occult movie called HEREAFTER.

The movie blasphemes Christianity. There are two boys whose mother is a drunk. The boy's names are Jason and Marcus. Jason gets hit and killed by a speeding truck at the beginning of the film. His brother, who is only minutes younger by birth, sets out on a quest to contact his dead brother. Marcus is taken away from his mother by Child Protection Services and is placed with a foster family.
Marcus ste...als 200 pounds of money from his new foster parents and uses the money to consult with several soothsayers, psychics, occultists, necromancers, et cetera. Marcus searches the internet for answers and finds a website where a preacher asks if the viewer is afraid of death. The preacher then says, “If you have Christ, you have nothing to worry about.” Marcus responds by wagging his head in strong disapproval of the comment that Christ is the answer. This is a clear denial of Biblical Christianity in this occult movie called HEREAFTER.
In the movie a middle-aged aspiring journalist dies at the beginning of the film in a tsunami. She experiences visions, seeing a white light and people walking toward the white light. She is revived by the good Samaritans. The woman has been changed, going from being a cutthroat reporter to caring and considerate now that she knows what is on the other side after death. The truth is that the Bible condemns such nonsense as witchcraft. There are only two sources of spiritual power: God and Satan. Psychics tap into Satan's power, although that is rarely their intentions. Anybody who dabbles in spiritual matters without the Holy Spirit is messing with witchcraft and Satan.
Clint Eastwood directed this movie and has publicly stated that he is not a Christian, but instead prefers Buddhism, which he jokingly says he likes because Buddha is fat and happy. Mr. Eastwood says he grew up in a non-denominational home and has no particular religious faith. Clearly, Eastwood is not saved. HEREAFTER has done much to boost sales in the state of California, where many astrologers and psychics live, especially throughout the Hollywood area. It's worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, the pedophile capital of America.
Clint Eastwood directed this movie and has publicly stated that he is not a Christian, but instead prefers Buddhism, which he jokingly says he likes because Buddha is fat and happy. Mr. Eastwood says he grew up in a non-denominational home and has no particular religious faith. Clearly, Eastwood is not saved. HEREAFTER has done much to boost sales in the state of California, where many astrologers and psychics live, especially throughout the Hollywood area. It's worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, the pedophile capital of America.
Should Christians Have Television in their homes?
The following information is quoted from pages 67-68 of the excellent work by Dr. M.R. DeHann, titled 508 ANSWERS TO BIBLE QUESTIONS (copyright 1952)...
Please Give Me Your Opinion On Christians Having Television

In regard to your question concerning television, I have some very deep convictions concerning this matter, and personally I think it is much more of an evil than it is of good or of blessing. It is the most expensive way of getting the Gospel out. The cost of television is so tremendous that we could reach far more people by radio than we can by television. Moreover, I believe that “faith cometh by hearing,” and not by seeing.
Please Give Me Your Opinion On Christians Having Television

In regard to your question concerning television, I have some very deep convictions concerning this matter, and personally I think it is much more of an evil than it is of good or of blessing. It is the most expensive way of getting the Gospel out. The cost of television is so tremendous that we could reach far more people by radio than we can by television. Moreover, I believe that “faith cometh by hearing,” and not by seeing.
There is so much trash on television that I would not have one in my home at all. Especially where there are small children, I think it is an evil thing, because practically everything on it is murder and crime and shooting and things of that kind. Where there are only adults in the home who are established in the faith, and have sense enough to turn off the trash of the world, and look only at that which is good, I don't suppose there is too much evil in it, but certainly where there are children in the home it is a damaging influence.
Pastor DeHaan wrote those words about the evils of television back in 1952. Can you imagine what he would say about television today? Television and movies have become so bad that it's just best not to watch them anymore. Dr. DeHaan called them “trash” back in 1952, long before the homosexual/pedophile agendas of Hollywood became known to the public. Today, there is no mistaking the evil agendas lurking in all Hollywood movies.
Pastor DeHaan wrote those words about the evils of television back in 1952. Can you imagine what he would say about television today? Television and movies have become so bad that it's just best not to watch them anymore. Dr. DeHaan called them “trash” back in 1952, long before the homosexual/pedophile agendas of Hollywood became known to the public. Today, there is no mistaking the evil agendas lurking in all Hollywood movies.
Walt Disney is straight out of the pits of Hell!!
Hollywood is sick-minded, backwards, and degenerate. One can only want to go vomit after learning that the very attractive looking female Egyptian Sun god of Ra in the movie STARGATE, is played by none other than cross-dresser, Jaye Davidson (real name: Alfred Amey, born in 1968). The lady is a DUDE!!! She has charm, walks with grace and is beautiful; but it's a she-devil, a cross-dressing man. As far as I know Jaye Davidson hasn't had a sex change; but it wouldn't surprise m...en if I found out that he did. Davidson is a fashion assistant in London and openly identifies himself as a bisexual-gay man. He is portrayed as a beautiful women in the movie, THE CRYING GAME.
The following 3 photos are all of Jaye Davidson...
Left: THE CRYING GAME; Middle: himself; Right: STARGATE

It is creepy to say the least. The Bible forbids men from dressing like women, and women from dressing like men. Deuteronomy 22:5, “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”
Most children grow up having absorbed tens-of-thousands of hours of watching hellivision and seeing movies, seeing many of the movies at public schools instead of learning to read, write and do math as they're supposed to be.
Left: THE CRYING GAME; Middle: himself; Right: STARGATE

It is creepy to say the least. The Bible forbids men from dressing like women, and women from dressing like men. Deuteronomy 22:5, “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”
Most children grow up having absorbed tens-of-thousands of hours of watching hellivision and seeing movies, seeing many of the movies at public schools instead of learning to read, write and do math as they're supposed to be.
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