In THE MIST, a crazed religious women provokes the crowd to stab a young military man... to death. She then tells the crowd to sacrifice the mortally bleeding man to THE BEAST (a giant horned creature lurking outside the door). As the crowd is carrying the man out the front door (to sacrifice him to THE BEAST), the man is making an occult sign in both hands. In his right hand he is making the 666 sign, and a NWO hand sign in his left hand. This plainly evidences that Stephen King's movie is a sacrifice to Satan, on screen for the public to view. This is how subtle Luciferians are today. They are bringing Satanic sacrifices right to the movie theatre, and into people's homes.

What is really terrible is that the religious woman is carrying and quoting from a Bible at the beginning of the film, wearing a dress, and appears to be a God-fearing Christian; but then Stephen King trashes her character as the movie progresses, until she is a devil-worshipping psycho, who practices ritual human sacrifice, and is consumed with hatred. No doubt this is what Mr. King thinks about born-again Christians who preach the Bible and love God. Other religious people are portrayed as normal who don't preach what they believe to anyone. Stephen King obviously has much resentment for Bible-believing Christians who preach the truth to others.
The world doesn't care what you believe oh Christian, just so long as you hide your candle for God under a bushel and stay in your closet; but all the hordes of Hell will attack the faithful Christian who holds forth the Word of life as the Bible commands (Philippians 2:16).
Everything that Hollywood writes and produces today is saturated with violence, killing, death, murder, torture, and gore. Hollywood is a cesspool of spiritual rot, infested with maggots! We have become a culture of death. Should it be surprising in view of such movies over the past few decades, that the most dangerous place on earth is in a mother's womb!!! You cannot tell me that the plethora of blood and guts movies (which America has grown up on for the past few decades) has not had a detrimental effect on our thinking as a society. People today have no qualms or hesitation about having an abortion, and President Obama has just stated in his State of the Union speech in 2011, that he wants to make abortion much more commonplace as a right.
The world doesn't care what you believe oh Christian, just so long as you hide your candle for God under a bushel and stay in your closet; but all the hordes of Hell will attack the faithful Christian who holds forth the Word of life as the Bible commands (Philippians 2:16).
Everything that Hollywood writes and produces today is saturated with violence, killing, death, murder, torture, and gore. Hollywood is a cesspool of spiritual rot, infested with maggots! We have become a culture of death. Should it be surprising in view of such movies over the past few decades, that the most dangerous place on earth is in a mother's womb!!! You cannot tell me that the plethora of blood and guts movies (which America has grown up on for the past few decades) has not had a detrimental effect on our thinking as a society. People today have no qualms or hesitation about having an abortion, and President Obama has just stated in his State of the Union speech in 2011, that he wants to make abortion much more commonplace as a right.
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