The movie blasphemes Christianity. There are two boys whose mother is a drunk. The boy's names are Jason and Marcus. Jason gets hit and killed by a speeding truck at the beginning of the film. His brother, who is only minutes younger by birth, sets out on a quest to contact his dead brother. Marcus is taken away from his mother by Child Protection Services and is placed with a foster family.
Marcus ste...als 200 pounds of money from his new foster parents and uses the money to consult with several soothsayers, psychics, occultists, necromancers, et cetera. Marcus searches the internet for answers and finds a website where a preacher asks if the viewer is afraid of death. The preacher then says, “If you have Christ, you have nothing to worry about.” Marcus responds by wagging his head in strong disapproval of the comment that Christ is the answer. This is a clear denial of Biblical Christianity in this occult movie called HEREAFTER.
In the movie a middle-aged aspiring journalist dies at the beginning of the film in a tsunami. She experiences visions, seeing a white light and people walking toward the white light. She is revived by the good Samaritans. The woman has been changed, going from being a cutthroat reporter to caring and considerate now that she knows what is on the other side after death. The truth is that the Bible condemns such nonsense as witchcraft. There are only two sources of spiritual power: God and Satan. Psychics tap into Satan's power, although that is rarely their intentions. Anybody who dabbles in spiritual matters without the Holy Spirit is messing with witchcraft and Satan.
Clint Eastwood directed this movie and has publicly stated that he is not a Christian, but instead prefers Buddhism, which he jokingly says he likes because Buddha is fat and happy. Mr. Eastwood says he grew up in a non-denominational home and has no particular religious faith. Clearly, Eastwood is not saved. HEREAFTER has done much to boost sales in the state of California, where many astrologers and psychics live, especially throughout the Hollywood area. It's worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, the pedophile capital of America.
Clint Eastwood directed this movie and has publicly stated that he is not a Christian, but instead prefers Buddhism, which he jokingly says he likes because Buddha is fat and happy. Mr. Eastwood says he grew up in a non-denominational home and has no particular religious faith. Clearly, Eastwood is not saved. HEREAFTER has done much to boost sales in the state of California, where many astrologers and psychics live, especially throughout the Hollywood area. It's worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, the pedophile capital of America.
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