The following information is quoted from pages 67-68 of the excellent work by Dr. M.R. DeHann, titled 508 ANSWERS TO BIBLE QUESTIONS (copyright 1952)...
Please Give Me Your Opinion On Christians Having Television

In regard to your question concerning television, I have some very deep convictions concerning this matter, and personally I think it is much more of an evil than it is of good or of blessing. It is the most expensive way of getting the Gospel out. The cost of television is so tremendous that we could reach far more people by radio than we can by television. Moreover, I believe that “faith cometh by hearing,” and not by seeing.
Please Give Me Your Opinion On Christians Having Television

In regard to your question concerning television, I have some very deep convictions concerning this matter, and personally I think it is much more of an evil than it is of good or of blessing. It is the most expensive way of getting the Gospel out. The cost of television is so tremendous that we could reach far more people by radio than we can by television. Moreover, I believe that “faith cometh by hearing,” and not by seeing.
There is so much trash on television that I would not have one in my home at all. Especially where there are small children, I think it is an evil thing, because practically everything on it is murder and crime and shooting and things of that kind. Where there are only adults in the home who are established in the faith, and have sense enough to turn off the trash of the world, and look only at that which is good, I don't suppose there is too much evil in it, but certainly where there are children in the home it is a damaging influence.
Pastor DeHaan wrote those words about the evils of television back in 1952. Can you imagine what he would say about television today? Television and movies have become so bad that it's just best not to watch them anymore. Dr. DeHaan called them “trash” back in 1952, long before the homosexual/pedophile agendas of Hollywood became known to the public. Today, there is no mistaking the evil agendas lurking in all Hollywood movies.
Pastor DeHaan wrote those words about the evils of television back in 1952. Can you imagine what he would say about television today? Television and movies have become so bad that it's just best not to watch them anymore. Dr. DeHaan called them “trash” back in 1952, long before the homosexual/pedophile agendas of Hollywood became known to the public. Today, there is no mistaking the evil agendas lurking in all Hollywood movies.
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